Tuesday, February 03, 2009

If You Voted for Me. Oh Oh Oh.

"If you voted for me change is on the way, know it." This cat is hilarious on this Obama stuff.

I Love This. Tell Them Republicans to...

"I got this." I love it.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

I Want Goat Balance.

Every so often you come across something Seussian. I can buy the goat on the rope with a monkey on his back. But watch what happens when the goat gets to the end of the rope and has to turn around. Yes, turn around. And now there a red cup. A red cup on a rope? Yes. Then the goat...WHAT?!!! OMG I want goat balance! And for the finale--the Monkey in a handstand on the goats horns? Who thinks this stuff up?

A monkey in a handstand, on the horns of a goat, on the top of red cup, all balanced on a rope? Standing ovation!